Why are agents required if I can search myself using online portals.

On the day of your wedding do you prefer dressing up by yourself or hiring the services of a make-up artist? One prefers professional perfection on big occasion, don’t we?

Moreover, we have herewith categorically enlisted ample reasons for you to appoint an agent/consultant/ advisor for yourself.

  • You may not have complete knowledge about different properties.
  • Information available on different property sites may be obsolete and misleading.
  • You spend lot of time seeing unsuitable properties.
  • It takes a toll on your time, money and peace.
  • You may not have the eye to read between the lines and read fine print of the different marketing materials and evaluate each project critically.
  • You lack the knowledge of negotiation and striking a deal.
  • You may not have the pulse of the current market trends.
  • Above all, online advertisements can be misleading and details needs cross verification.
  • Knowledgeable and experience:- A knowledgeable broker will help you with methodical, intelligent and analytical searching of house and when knowledge gets backed by experience your searching or selling gets faster, you get a better deal as one can leverage on his wide established network. He understands the pulse of the market, the nitty-gritties of the business and the various tricks of trade.
  • Referral:- You should make it a point to select a broker who is referred by your friends, family or colleague. If this is not possible ask for references from the consultant and doubly check with him.
  • Good Reputation:- A good reputed broker takes more accountability, makes full disclosures and deals with transparency.
  • Online Presence:- Today is the world of Internet. A website is the online extension of a company and gives credibility. In this day and age, having a web savvy agent is critical as majority of the buyers initially see their homes online. Great agents have laptops and have moved to mobile technology to assist. They are able to provide their clients with the most efficient service through having more information at hand.
  • Comfortable:- Select a broker with whom you are comfortable working with.
  • Commision Fees:- Never select a broker on the basis of discounted commission while compromising on the above factors.

You should always take the information available online with a pinch of a salt. This is because:

  • Online ads may make false claims and could be misleading
  • They could be obsolete
  • They are usually posted by other brokers to attract mere attention
  • New age brokers are not just brokers but advisors in the real sense.
  • They are much more educated than their counterparts.
  • They appraise the builder and the project before they show it to their clients
  • They make full disclosures and fortunately there are no unpleasant surprises at the end.
  • They own websites and some even own a portal, which showcase their inventory and have their terms and conditions outlined. Thus one can expect much more accountability from these consultants than a broker who holds no office and shows property by riding you on his moped.
  • They are critical in their evaluation and provide the foresightedness to client while buying any property.
  • They keep themselves abreast with new technology and use it to maximize benefits for the client and themselves.